Tickets for JMTC’s December performances of Willy Wonka are on sale. Shows are on December 10th & 11th at the University of Winnipeg Asper Centre for Theatre and Film – 400 Colony. Please email [email protected] to book your tickets or call (204) 260-2466. We are 2 pages away from finishing off new bits but after our run this weekend, we are in fine form. Get your tickets early to avoid disappointment.
Halloween Fun
We are getting close to show in December but JMTC thinks it is just as important to relax a little and have some goofy Halloween fun. Check out one of our Mummy masterpieces.
Welcome to our 2016/2017 Crew
A very warm and heart-felt welcome to our full company for this season!
First Rehearsal Back!
We are back at it again this year with 29 incredible performers. We kicked off the year with some fun team building games and blocking our first number in Willy Wonka. The crew learned about the importance of a solid base as well as the beauty of individuality. I know I say this every year but these guys are going to be pretty spectacular.

Can’t wait for FRIDAY!!!
It’s like my personal Christmas! I can’t wait for JMTC to start back up again on Friday. I think this group is going to be so unique and exciting. The shows have been selected based on the talent and the opportunities to grow and it should be wild. See you Friday!!!
Singin’ In The Rain Junior
The “Greatest Movie Musical of All Time”
Singin’ in the Rain JR. has all the makings of a Tinseltown tabloid headline – the starlet, the leading man and a love affair that could change lives and make or break careers! In silent movies, Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are a hot item, but behind the scenes, things aren’t always as they appear on the big screen! Meanwhile, Lina’s squeaky voice might be the end of her career in “talking pictures” without the help of a talented young actress to do the talking and singing for her.
Willy Wonka Junior in December
Roald Dahl’s timeless story of the world-famous candy man and his quest to find an heir is a golden ticket to adventure.
The delicious adventures experienced by Charlie Bucket on his visit to Willy Wonka’s mysterious chocolate factory light up the stage in this captivating adaptation of Roald Dahl’s fantastical tale. Featuring the enchanting songs from the 1971 film starring Gene Wilder in addition to a host of fun new songs, Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR. is a scrumdidilyumptious musical guaranteed to delight everyone’s sweet tooth.
The company is cast now on to choosing the shows!
We were so lucky to see so many wonderfully talented artists come out to our auditions this year. If only we could take everyone! Our company is now solidified and we are finishing our show selections. It should be a very exciting year full of sweet moments and classic musical theatre. Stay tuned to see what we are doing next.
Auditions Begin Friday, June 17th!!!
Our auditions for the 2016/2017 company start on Friday, June 17th at the St. Andrews River Heights United Church basement. We are looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new JMTC hopefuls. Break legs everyone!!!
And like that, another show closes
Congratulations to all the JMTC’ers, family and friends that helped put this show together. We have sold-out performances full of applause, laughter, tears and giggles. What a fabulous way to celebrate all the hard work that went into this show.
Thank you to all of the many supporters of JMTC:
All the family, friends and the honorary JMTC members that help everything happen!
The University of Winnipeg – Asper Centre for Theatre and Film
All of the awesome technical crew at the theatre
My backstage crew: Taylor, Jillian and Julia C
St. Andrews River Heights United Church
Manitoba Theatre for Young People
Nelson McIntyre Collegiate
Paula Olko and St. James School Division
Rory Fallis & The H.U.N.K.S
Aaron Frost
Carol & Garth German
Every single JMTC’er who created this world
And everyone else who I am inevitably forgetting.
You all allow for such incredible opportunities and amazing experiences. Thank you!!