Wind-up/cast party for JMTC

The official 2013/2014 JMTC Tony Awards were held at Paradise Restaurant tonight. There were performances, speeches, beautiful dresses and handsome suits and a lot of pizza! Congratulations to all of the students who were involved. We will miss you grads!

2 sold out shows!!!

With 3 weeks to show, JMTC has officially sold out two performances of Sound Of Music; Saturday, June 7th at 4pm and Sunday, June 8th at 7:30 pm. If you do not have your tickets yet, click here to book or talk to any member of JMTC.

Backwards rehearsal

JMTC rehearsed Sound of Music backwards to front this weekend. It was a long rehearsal full of music, laughter and candy, and it will all be worth it come June. Do you have your tickets?

Tickets on sale for Sound of Music

Tickets for Sound of Music have gone on sale today. Please click here if you would like more information. Shows are 4:00 pm and 7:30 pm on June 7th and 8th at the Asper Centre for Theatre and Film, University of Winnipeg (400 Colony Street). Tickets can also be purchased through any JMTC student. Hope to see you there!

Instagram, Twitter and Facebook… oh my!

Did you know that JMTC has an Instagram, Twitter and a Facebook page! Students will be posting pictures and comments working up to the weekend of June 7th – 9th. Our Facebook page is linked at the bottom of this page, our Twitter name is @JMTCwpg and our Instagram is JMTCwpg.