Tickets are on Sale!

Tickets for JMTC’s December performances of Willy Wonka are on sale. Shows are on December 10th & 11th at the University of Winnipeg Asper Centre for Theatre and Film – 400 Colony. Please email [email protected] to book your tickets or call (204) 260-2466. We are 2 pages away from finishing off new bits but after our run this weekend, we are in fine form. Get your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

Halloween Fun

We are getting close to show in December but JMTC thinks it is just as important to relax a little and have some goofy Halloween fun. Check out one of our Mummy masterpieces.

First Rehearsal Back!

We are back at it again this year with 29 incredible performers. We kicked off the year with some fun team building games and blocking our first number in Willy Wonka. The crew learned about the importance of a solid base as well as the beauty of individuality. I know I say this every year but these guys are going to be pretty spectacular.

Can’t wait for FRIDAY!!!

It’s like my personal Christmas! I can’t wait for JMTC to start back up again on Friday. I think this group is going to be so unique and exciting. The shows have been selected based on the talent and the opportunities to grow and it should be wild. See you Friday!!!