Got to spend my Friday evening on Zoom with some of Winnipeg’s up and comers in the theatre world and the future could not be brighter. Happy world theatre day from JMTC ❤️ #matilda #jmtcwpg #watchoutworld #revoltingchildren #zoomrehearsals
Harmonies on Zoom, keeping it going!
Well we worked through some harmonies tonight on revolting children… and everyone had all the patience in the world for the lag. Looking forward to rehearsing in person again #matilda #bestkidsintheuniverse
Congratulations Sadie!!!
Check out our very own Sadie as the Kid Mayor of Winnipeg!!
This is Danica who is playing the roles of Lavender/Escapologists Daughter/Henchmen 1
Favourite book: I Am Four
Favourite cake: Lemon
If Danica could change one thing about the world, it would be to get rid of all vegetables.
#jmtcwpg #matilda #revoltingchildren

This is Natasha who is playing the roles of Alice/The Acrobat/Henchmen 3
Favourite book: Little Women
Favourite cake: Chocolate with Lemon Frosting
If Natasha could change one thing about the world, it would be to giving people everywhere equal access to education.

Here is the first of our cast announcements! Stay tuned for weekly announcements working up to our show.
This is Uma who is playing the roles of Michael Wormwood/Young Trunchbull/Dad 1/Big Kid 1
Favourite book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Favourite cake: Red Velvet
If Uma could change one thing about the world, it would be to ensure equal access to opportunities in the arts for everyone.

Tickets for Matilda are online today!!!
JMTC is starting to sell tickets for Matilda today! Get them early to avoid disappointment.
Back at it this Friday!!!
After some much needed rest and rejuvenation, we are back at it with rehearsals starting this Friday!!! We can’t wait to get our first song of 2020 under our belts. REVOLTING CHILDREN here we come!!!
Happy opening to Westwood Collegiate’s Little Shop of Horrors
Happy opening to the JMTC’ers involved in Westwood Collegiate’s Little Shop of Horrors! Can’t wait to cheer you on this week.
Happy Opening & Closing to JMTC
We just had a flurry of a show weekend! What a dream to be back at the Franco Manitoban to belt out some showtunes. Thank you to everyone who attended and who came to cheer on the members of JMTC.